Alzheimer's Café
The Alzheimer's Café opened on Wednesday 20th May 2015, by the Worshipful the Mayor of Wokingham Borough, Cllr UllaKarin Clark. It is aimed at providing a place for those living with this condition and their carers to get together for a time of fellowship: tea, chat, friendship, singing, music, stories, gentle sports and sharing. Activities have included:
- A monthly speaker
- Question time
- Social and sharing time
- Books, fact sheets and resources
- Make-up sessions by Boots the Chemist
- Free refreshments
- Resource boxes from Wokingham Library
- Music time
The Café meets on Wednesdays fortnightly (term-time only), from 2.00 to 3.30pm in the Bradbury Centre Café Mosaic. There is also a Carers' Group that meets on the second Tuesday of each month (term-time only), from 12.00 to 1.30pm in the Bradbury Centre Hall (including lunch).
We restarted the Alzheimer’s Café in September 2021.
Future meetings (no need to book):
8 & 22 January 2025
5 February
5 & 19 March
2 & 30 April
14 May
Annual Report (March 2024)
Alzheimer’s Café
The Alzheimer’s café is thriving. We have had a great number of newcomers and have enjoyed some fantastic sessions.
We enjoyed two trips to Alexandra Grange, one for Chocolate making and another for a singing afternoon. Alexandra Grange also supplied some of the food we enjoyed at our Christmas Party (along with Parsons Grange) as well as cakes for our Coronation Party which we enjoyed with the support of the Town Council, Tesco’s and Coop. I attend a quarterly breakfast meeting at Alexandra Grange to meet with other people from the community sector to support my work.
We have also been enjoying visits from a local company called ‘Creative Mojo’ who come in and support us all to create artwork which you can see displayed in the café.
We are looking forward to starting an inclusive and nostalgic worship in the Church from March which will coincide with the Alzheimer’s Café. This is called ‘Wednesday Worship’ and is open to all.