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Wokingham Methodist Church Community News.

Spring 2024    767Kb .pdf file

Sunday Worship

Trinity Sunday 26 May - Aldersgate

10.30am Morning Worship - Revd Catherine Bowstead

Future worship and recorded services are on this page.

Weekly Pastoral Letter - 17 May 2024

from Revd Catherine Bowstead

Dear Friends,

This Sunday marks the celebration of Pentecost.  In our readings for Sunday, we hear the story of the first Pentecost Sunday and try to capture the emotions of the disciples and of those who were in the crowd that day.  Perhaps some of those in Jerusalem on that Sunday morning has been there on Good Friday too, maybe they had been part of the crowd that shouted, "crucify him!", and had watched Jesus suffer and die.

The disciples themselves had been through a roller coaster of emotions.  They had known the depth on despair on Good Friday and Holy Saturday, and then they experienced the extreme joy of the resurrection.  The day of ascension must have been both wonderful and sad for them.  Seeing Christ disappear from sight followed by another period of waiting.  For ten days they waited until suddenly God's Spirit not only came upon them but changed them from within.

And what a transformation! The crowd were amazed by the disciples that day so much so that 3000 people wanted to join them.  And in the days that followed people were continually drawn to the early church when they saw how much the disciples cared for each other and saw the dramatic change in them.

As we are transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit, we too are empowered to witness to Jesus by what we say and do.  It not just about saying the right words it’s about our whole lifestyle as we follow Jesus. Pentecost is not passive, it's active.  We don’t need to sit back and wait for the Holy Spirit to be active in the Church for the Spirit is already active within us and through us.

On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were "all" filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to talk as the Spirit enabled them to speak.  This Pentecost we have a wonderful opportunity to examine how God might want to use us and how the Spirit might enable us.

I hope you have a good week.

With every blessing


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Weekly Pastoral Letter - 10 May 2024

from Revd Catherine Bowstead

Dear Friends,

This week is Christian Aid week when we highlight the work of this worthwhile charity.

The theme for Christian Aid week this year is “Extraordinary Love” and it explores the ideas that we have been looking at in the last few weeks of our Sunday worship – the concepts of God's love and the challenge to love our neighbours.  Christian Aid week this year focusses on the inspiring story of Aline Nibogora, from Makamba Province in Burundi.  Aline has experienced abuse and extreme poverty, but she has found ways to persist in faith, hope and love.

Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world financially as more than 70% of the population live in poverty.  Most people get their living through farming, but farmers have been significantly affected by the climate crisis, facing droughts, floods and landslides.  Many families eat just one meal a day.

Moreover Aline faced extra challenges.  She was abused by her husband and forced out of her home, becoming separated from her children.  With nowhere to live and worrying daily about her children’s safety, Aline was pushed into the most extreme poverty.

Aline joined a community workshop led by Christian Aid-funded trainers.  She was able to get a start-up loan and began trading avocados and peanuts.  She was also able to buy a bicycle so that she could transport her goods.

Aline’s business was successful and she was able to rent a house.  Aline can now afford food for herself and her family.  She has bought solar panels so that her children can have light to help them study.

Now Aline is baking her own bricks and building a stronger home for her family, in every sense.  Aline told Christian Aid: ‘We pray together as we are still alive thanks to God’s grace. … We have been through difficult times, but now we make plans for the future.’

There are several ways in which you can participate in Christian Aid week this year.  You could:

  • Help deliver Christian Aid envelopes
  • Attend the Christian Aid service at All Saints Church on Sunday 12th May, 6pm
  • Support the Christian Aid coffee morning at St Paul’s Church on Sat 18th May
  • Make a donation to Christian Aid
  • Pray for the work of Christian Aid – the Christian Aid website has a helpful prayer diary for this week: christianaid.org.uk

And doing something practical for Christian Aid fits in with the “serve”, “flourish” and “challenge” elements of a Methodist Way of Life.

I hope that you have a good week

With every blessing


Some previous Pastoral Letters are available here.